          ◎台灣感謝!美軍救災結束離台 ■自由(2009.08.23) ◎台灣感謝!美軍救災結束離台 ■自由(2009.08.23) 08:14 【Comment】 外部危機解除。剩下島內紛擾。 〔記者范正祥、羅添斌/台北報導〕 此次由美國國務院責成美國國防部派遣海軍來台協助風災救災的可吊掛重型機械特殊直升機及美方操作人員,在昨天中午十二時四十五分飛離台灣,完成階段性任務,此歷史時刻也寫下台美關係新頁! 在南部勘災的馬總統、行政院長劉兆玄、國防部長陳肇敏,事先都已掌 景觀設計握美救災軍機飛離台灣完成階段性任務的訊息,馬政府並由國防部代表台灣政府正式向美方表示由衷感謝。 美國政府為提供我八八水災援助,8月16日至22日,除派遣KC130運輸機二架次載運物資外,另派遣丹佛號兩棲船塢運輸艦,搭載MH53E及MH60S直升機各二架,來台協助運送物資及機具到災區,救災任務於昨天結束。在7天的救災任務中,共計出動75架次。 美軍此次任務的指揮官Donald A. Schmieley上校對軍方表示,美國海軍此次支援莫拉克颱風的「人道援助」任務,是 酒店經紀因中華民國政府的需求,由美國國務院責成國防部派海軍支援,台灣曾在美國「卡崔娜風災」時,提供許多物資的援助,美軍官兵們對於能夠參與這次的任務,協助災民脫困,感到相當的榮耀。 ◎護衛軍刀演習(Talisman Saber 2009)-1/2 2009/08/22 08:25 【Comment】 請注意軍機的塗裝,顯然是演習或戰鬥塗裝。 TALISMAN SABER 2009 (TS 09) 「護衛軍刀(Talisman Saber)演習」,這是美澳兩國每兩?面膜~一次的聯合作戰演習 串列衝擊演習由1992年開始舉行, 93年於關島舉行之後改為每兩年一次由美澳輪流主辦的模式。 演習地區包括澳洲淺水灣訓練場以及關島與北馬里亞納群島等基地。 2003年串列衝擊演習最後一次於關島實施, 而後於2005年更名為護衛軍刀演習。 演習的主要目的便是建立美澳兩國與各軍種單位之間聯合作戰的契合度。 圖片以美澳部隊於澳洲北領與淺水灣地區, 進行聯合兩棲登陸作戰演習的部分為主。 澎湖民宿D18%26p%3D1429+Talisman+saber+%E6%BC%94%E7%BF%92&cd=4&hl=zh-TW&ct=clnk st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} ◎護衛軍刀演習(Talisman Saber 2009)-2/2 08:29 【Comment】 請注意軍機的塗裝,顯然是演習或戰鬥塗裝。 TALI 房屋二胎SMAN SABER 2009 (TS 09) Announcements Exercise TS09 CPX/FTX successfully concluded on 26 July 09. - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Executive Agent Handover of Exercise Talisman Saber from COMMARFORPAC to COMPACFLT is scheduled for 2 September 2009 at Makalapa, Pearl Harbor , HI . General Information Exercise Name: TALISMAN SABER 2009 (TS 09) Exercise Dates: 06-26 July 2009 Exercise Location: Australia TALISMAN SABER 2009 (TS09) is a combined/joint CPX/FTX that will exercise a single Combined Task Force (CTF) 售屋網, focusing on operational and tactical interoperability through a high end, medium intensity scenario involving live, virtual, and constructive forces. Includes combat operations transitioning into peacekeeping or other post-conflict operations. U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) is the Executive Agent (EA) for TS09. III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) will function as the Combined Task Force (CTF) for certification as a USPACOM JTF Capable Headquarters. table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} ◎USS CVN-73 2009 0810~0815 George Washington CVN-73 GW CSG Departs Manila Following Historic Port Visit By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Dave Reynolds Posted: August 19, 2009 MANILA, Republic of the Philippines —The carrier strike group centered around the Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft ca 酒店經紀rrier, USS George Washington (CVN 73) (GW), departed Manila Bay Aug. 15 after making a scheduled port visit to the capital city. The four-day visit promoted goodwill and professional exchange between the U.S. Navy and its host country through a series of visits by Republic of the Philippines Navy personnel, government leaders and local media. It was the first port visit to Manila by a U.S. aircraft carrier in more than 13 years. GW Strengthens Ties Through Professional Exchanges By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class John 酒店兼職 J. Mike Posted: August 19, 2009 MANILA, Republic of the Philippines—USS George Washington (CVN 73) Sailors hosted Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) servicemembers and local students Aug. 12-14 for a series of “professional exchanges” as part of the ship’s four-day port visit to Manila. GW departed its forward-deployed port at Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan June 10 on its inaugural summer deployment. GW, commanded by Capt. David A. Lausman, replaced USS Kitty Hawk last year as the Navy’s permanently forward-deployed carrier presence. 代償htm  .

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